Christmas in Brisbane

The most wonderful time of year.

This rebrand of Christmas in Brisbane aimed to focus more on the joy of uniting experiences (rather than differentiating precincts like past iterations of the creative). Focusing on activations, activities and the opportunity to come together with loved ones at this most wonderful time of year. Developing a colour palette which was eye-catching in dim lighting during evening activations was essential. In order to achieve this, a bold yet classic palette was utilised. A contemporary but timeless brand design was highly desired by stakeholders in order to entice the public with an exciting and welcoming festive feel. A flexible brand was required in order to adapt to the large-scale rollout; a variety of digital channels with legible key messaging, effective outdoor hero signage, as well as activation specific event pieces, differentiating precinct and activation. The target audience was primarily females aged 18-39 from the inner City and greater Brisbane area, and an even split between households with and without children, so the campaign creative needed to appeal to couples, singles, groups of friends and families with school-aged children alike.


Big Picnic